Prof. Jura Margulis
Pianist Jura Margulis has been internationally recognized for his compelling and communicative performances, for the range of his expressive vision, and for his consummate virtuosity. Reviewers have praised the “absolute authority” of his interpretations and the sense of “controlled obsession” he transmits at the keyboard (Fono Forum). In August of 2011 Drehpunkt Kultur in Salzburg wrote: "After the performance one fleetingly thinks of the pianists that became legends, but comparisons are impermissible. Margulis is a master sui generis (of his own kind)." Jura Margulis has played in numerous festivals, including the Schleswig Holstein Musik Festival, the Berliner Festwochen at Berlin Philharmonic Hall, the Verbier and the BSI Festivals in Switzerland, the Argerich-Beppu Music Festival in Japan, and the Salzburger Festspiele in Austria. He performed in over 15 countries in the past years. Margulis has recorded CDs for Sony, Ars Musici, and Oehms Classics, covering a wide spectrum of repertoire. In 2014 Margulis released an all Schubert con Sordino CD on a MSP Steingraeber D-232 prototype. Fono Forum writes: "Margulis plays (Schubert) with an enthusiasm, a sensitivity, and a creative imagination that are near incomparable." In 2015 his latest CD was released with all original transcriptions of music form Bach to Shostakovich on the MSP Steingraeber D232 including a piano duo with Martha Argerich of Night on Bald Mountain by Mussorgsky, also in Margulis’ original transcription – “… astonishing …” Piano News; " …demonic … a brilliant achievement ... " Pianiste. Since 2008 Margulis was the inaugural holder of the McAllister Endowed Professorship in Piano at the University of Arkansas in the US. In 2018 Jura Margulis was appointed Professor of Piano at the Musik and Art University in Vienna.

“Pianist to Pianist: Examining the systematic development of virtuoso piano technique”